Breathe, keep breathing. Don't lose your nerve" -

Page 202: The Impossible and Les Miserables

/ Wednesday, January 30, 2013 /
What i have in mind after watched these two:


It’s a good movie with great casts and cinematography. But what had impressed me the most was somehow, that movie makes me believe that I still can put hopes in humanity. That altruism still exists. Sometimes when I have this “bitter bitch syndrome”, it’s easier for me to find egoists instead of kind-hearted people. So yeah, it’s a good thing.


Dear Hugo, I know you’re such a big name in literature. And I’ve never read anything from you, but if what I saw yesterday really adapt your book, Les Miserables, then I have to say…I’m so sorry man, but I don’t think we can get along. And yes, I don’t know if people in that era did those things, but Les Miserables was just the epitome of “lebay-ness”. Even Romeo and Juliet would roll their eyes facing this package of hyper-melodramatic story. What I found as WTF moments in the movie:

1. So, here’s the case. Marius was a member of revolution movement. Eponine loved Marius, while Marius fell in love with Cosette. Eponine helped Marius to find Cosette although it broke her heart. My first WTF moment from this scheme was when Marius met Cosette for the first time at the market, and they only glanced at each other, and BOOM, they fell in love. Okay…okay…maybe it’s because I don’t believe in such thing called “love at the first sight”. Well I think half population in this planet also does not believe in it. I’d rather believe in the existence of Lochness monster. I mean, come on, Hugo. Could you please at least create some conversations between those lover birds so it would be easier for me to understand what kind of love they felt? You know…chemistry? We’re talking about love here, my dear Hugo, not just some physical attraction. And when they met for the second time, you made them declare their loves and took a vow to be true to each other before they even introduced themselves? Give me a break.

2. Eponine went to the battlefield with Marius and somebody shot her. Marius found out and he said, “Let me cover your wounds with words of love” Nggg…. Say whaaaaaaat? Say whaaaaaat? Say that again! Say that again if you dare monsieur! Hahahahahahahahaha. Swear to Yorke, I laughed my ass off. And felt giddy at the same time. If I were Eponine, I would definitely say, “Dudeeeee, stop singiiiiing. I don’t need your words of love. I really don’t. You know what I need? A DOCTOR! MEDICATION! Can’t you see this effin’ holes in my stomach because somebody just shot me? Do you really think that your words of love could heal me?”

Marius didn’t even say “I love you” to Eponine. I mean, he could’ve just lied before that girl passed away.

3. Russel Crowe. And the way he sings. Haha. Something was just wrong about it. Not terrible, but it’s bugged me somehow.

But Hathaway and Barks, hmm…they’re okay.

Page 201: Yeah!

/ Friday, January 25, 2013 /
I have a hunch that 2013 is going to be fun! Haha. No, I’m not really sure about that, but I hope it will be.
Well at least I can say it because this year two of my favorite bands are coming to Indonesia. Yeah Yeah Yeahs and Bloc Party! Yippie! *throwing confetti in the air

I’ve been listening to their songs since I was still a college student and I can say that related to my bad luck with romance, I have history with them. Haha.

There were times when I listen to “Maps” repeatedly and I’m still in love with this song until now. Same thing with “Black Tongue”, “Rich”, and “Runaway”. And with “Hysteric”, I’d put that song on mixtape for my best friend, specially dedicated it as one of the gifts for her wedding. I think it’s their sweetest song.

With Bloc Party, although I kinda disappointed with their fourth album, but I love the first two, and okay with their third. Their witty lyrics – sometimes dark and bitter like coffee, other times as sweet as honey – range from love, relationship, and social issues will always have a special place in my heart. *tsah

“Just give me moments not hours or days” – Waiting For 7.18

“So I enjoy and I devour // Flesh and wine and luxury // But in my heart I am so lukewarm // Nothing ever really touches me” – Song For Clay

“Is it so wrong to crave recognition? // 2nd best runner up // Is it so wrong to want rewarding? To want more, than is given to you //
Tonight make me unstoppable // And I will charm I will slice I will dazzle them with my wit // Tonight make me unstoppable // And I will charm I will slice I will dazzle // I will outshine them all” – The Prayer

“I really tried to do what you wanted // It all went wrong again” - So Here We Are (This is the song that helped me to cope with my broken heart couple of years ago. Thanks, Kele)

While “Sunday” is the super sweet song that makes me wish I have a boyfriend so I can ask him to sing this song to me. Haha. Reminds me of my dear friend, Dinda, too because she loves this song.

“I love you in the morning // When you're still hung over // I love you in the morning // When you're still strung out//
When I'm with you, I am calm // A pearl in your oyster // Head on my chest a silent smile // A private kind of happiness // You see giant proclamations // Are all very well // But our love is louder than words” 

Psyched! :D

Page 200: Pan Syndrome

/ Sunday, January 20, 2013 /
On my 28th birthday, a friend told me that I should get over fairy tales, fantasy books, mythology, converse shoes, going to gigs, origami, and other things that fascinate me but he deemed as “only for kids and teenagers”. That I should release myself from "Peter Pan syndrome".

From the point of view of 28 YO women who still believes that if she finds the right abandoned lighthouse, she can find Abarat, I found no logic what-so-ever in his “admonition”. Haha. I know it seems like an excuse, but I always believe that deep down inside everyone always has this kid that s/he used to be. Moreover, being a functioning adult has nothing to do with liking kids stuff.

As much as I agree with Murakami that “With each new dawn it’s not the same world as the day before. And you’re not the same person as you were, either,” I also believe that the kid inside of you, shape the way you are right now and will always be a part of you.

Maybe I have that syndrome anyway, a bit, but it doesn’t mean that I will talk and behave like a kid all the time. Ah well...

Page 199: Daily Basis

/ Saturday, January 19, 2013 /
As much as I think that in real life, things in “50 First Dates” highly unlikely would happen, I like that movie. Not because it’s romantic and offer you this idea of true love, but because of that scene when Lucy is showing her journal to Henry and says that when she reads it, it’s like listening to herself telling a story about her life.

And suddenly I felt this urge to start writing in my journal again, on daily basis. Not once-in-a-while-well-mostly-because-i-want-to-post-it-on-my-blog. Haha. But to write everyday no matter how short, silly or unnecessary it would be. Just to memorize about what happen in my life and how I see things at that time.

So let’s do it! :)

Page 198: Just...sad

/ Monday, January 14, 2013 /

“Go outside and get some fresh air or cuddle with a loved one and you don’t feel any better, only more upset at being unable to feel the joy that everyone else seems to feel,” Swartz wrote. “Everything gets colored by the sadness.”

rest in peace, aaron

Page 197: Happiness Trigger #13

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Pamper myself with unusual, witty, and hilarious stories before I go to bed. Yep, life is good... :)

Page 196: Random Babbling About Other Half

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According to Aristophanes in Plato’s Symposium, in the ancient world of myth there were three types of people. People weren’t just male or female, but one of three types: male/female, male/male, or female/female. In other words, each person was made out of the components of two people. Everyone was happy with this arrangement and never really gave much thought. But then God took a knife and cut everybody in half, right down the middle. So after that the world was divided just into male and female, the upshot being that people spend their time running around trying to locate their missing other half.*

Other myth says that everyone has other six twins in this world. I forgot from which country, but I’m sure I’ve heard about it. Some called them simply doppelgänger, but it’s different actually.

While some people think that those myths came from our ancestors who were trying to give explanation about things surround and our existence, I think it’s also another form of hope that each of us actually has someone who understand and can see through our skins. So here we are, having an idea about soulmate, that maybe, just maybe, that idea can comfort us (a bit) when we’re feeling lonely. When we feel that, we have that specific space waiting to be filled.

But what if that space actually has been there from the first time so we can have a special room to breathe when everything is so messed up? What if that, actually, we don’t need anyone to complete us; because the only one that can make us feel complete is ourselves? Why do we have to put burden to someone whom we consider as our soulmate that they should complete us?

Maybe at the end, a soulmate or other half is someone who can make you realize that from the beginning, you are special and don’t need anyone to complete you. That you will always need your own space every time you need to find peace of mind.

Maybe, just maybe.


*grabbed it from Murakami's Kafka on the Shore


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