Breathe, keep breathing. Don't lose your nerve" -

Page 254: Do You Believe?

/ Thursday, November 21, 2013 /
I believe that life is a game,
that life is a cruel joke,
and that life is what happens when you're alive
and that you might as well lie back and enjoy it.”

― Neil Gaiman, American Gods

Page 253: Those Obnoxious Photos

/ Tuesday, November 19, 2013 /
As much as I believe everyone has rights to post whatever s/he wants on his/her social media accounts as long as it's not about supporting crime against humanity, pedophilia, or other disgusting things – twitter, facebook, instagram, etc – it still makes me scratch my head (sometimes literally), to see photos with themes like:
  1. “Woo-look-at-my-obnoxious-drunk-face-because-i-had-sooo-muuuuch-fuuun-at-this-party-last-night” or
  2. “Oh-sheesh-men-love-to-lick-my-face-because-i-am-so-frikkin-edgy-fun-hot-girl-well-of-course-these-guys-are-just-friends” or
  3. “This-is-my-middle-finger-because-I’m-rebellious-guy-and-it’s-my-fave-gesture-slash-pose” or
  4. Bad-attitude-non-artistic-selfie.

5 photos? Fine...

You’re a teenager? I can still endure it. Your hormones sometimes just drive you to do that kinda madness.

But if you’re an adult, a functioning one, but 70% of your instagram filled with those kinds of photos, I have nothing to say except, “gaaaahhhh”.

Honey, it’s not entertaining, it’s irritating. 
It’s not funny/hilarious, it’s obnoxious. 
It’s not horrendous, it’s tedious.

Gosh, I know I need to stop bitching around like a hollier-than-thou bitch about this kinda thing but still I posted this simply because it’s my blog :p

Page 252: Piye Kabare? Isih Apiiik. So No Ex-Militant Please

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When I come home to see my parents, these topics usually appear when I talk to my dad: my job, aliens, weird/ silly gossips about our neighbors, my nephews and nieces, problems in our country and stupid jokes. The last conversation I had with him about problems in our country was how lotsa people think that Soeharto era was still better than what we have today, that they miss that era. It’s sad, especially when people who say it are educated and knew the real truth, what really happened under that 32 years regime. 

Yes, I’m acutely aware that everything was cheaper but hell-to-the-o, he did crime against humanity, his family and friends were practicing corruption (we’re still facing this shitty situation, yes yes I know, you don’t have to remind me of that. Still it wasn’t a better era, IMO), and we inherited debts from him.

My dad and I have never had faith in any ex-militants-who-turned-into-politicians. We think that this kinda people have more tendencies to become a dictator, a cold-hearted tyrant, and a megalomaniac than politicians with different backgrounds. That’s why we’re a bit worried knowing that some ex-militants who are predicted to run for the next election. Merely because some people still think that enthrone someone who resembles Soeharto is a good idea. It feels like they’d prefer to be blinded with temporary solutions for problems in this country.

Seriously people, just ask Google to give you information about Soeharto's crime. I did. It will show you 1,760,000 results. And it's really heartbreaking to read those articles.

Page 251: W-T-F-?! Seriously, WTF?!

/ Sunday, November 10, 2013 /
From Jezebel:

New Zealand Teen Rape Club Is The Worst Thing You'll Read About Today
For the last two years or so, a group of West Auckland teen boys calling themselves the "Roast Busters" have gotten their jollies picking up sometimes-underage girls, feeding them alcohol, and then, once they're too intoxicated to fend off their advances, gang raping them.

Once the act has been completed, the boys posted videos of their exploits to social media in an attempt to name and shame the girls. The boys are privileged sons of law enforcement and an actor who costarred in The Matrix. The girls are too humiliated by their exposure to come forward. And police say they can't do a damn thing about it. In fact, police knew about the group's active and disgusting Facebook page but say they weren't able to have the thing taken down. [bangs head repeatedly on wall]

Read the full article here



This is sick and i really wish that they will get arrested, raped in jail, humiliated, and castrated.


Page 250: Camus on Suffering

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In a 1956 letter to a hospitalized friend, Camus explores how body and mind conspire in sorrow and happiness:
The solidarity of bodies, unity at the center of the mortal and suffering flesh. This is what we are and nothing else. We are this plus human genius in all its forms, from the child to Einstein.

No, … it is not humiliating to be unhappy. Physical suffering is sometimes humiliating, but the suffering of being cannot be, it is life. … What you must do now is nothing more than live like everybody else. You deserve, by what you are, a happiness, a fullness that few people know. Yet today this fullness is not dead, it is a part of life and, to its credit, it reigns over you whether you want it to or not. But in the coming days you must live alone, with this hole, this painful memory. This lifelessness that we all carry inside of us — by us, I mean to say those who are not taken to the height of happiness, and who painfully remember another kind of happiness that goes beyond the memory.

Sometimes, for violent minds, the time that we tear off for work, that is torn away from time, is the best. An unfortunate passion.


My best friend sent me those words above a few days ago.  Somehow it feels like they kinda compatible with what I felt lately (also with Radiohead’s Scatterbrain). You know, when you feel like you’re emotionally exhausted, like you have this fathomless-inexplicable fatigue that can lead you to numbness and think that the best way to live your life and get away from your problems/suffer is probably to just take everything that you have in front of you? To realize that some people are meant to not get what they want – no matter how simple those things are, or no matter how hard they have tried – and just embrace it..be aloof..indifferent?

Yeah, I’m jaded. I still am. But I’ve been trying to cope with it by thinking that, “well, that's life, and suffering is part of it. Maybe the process to deal with it makes you stronger and wiser”.
And although i can't say that i'm totally zen right now, i'm ready to have hopes on several things again..to say to myself, "i can pull it off".

I guess.


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