Breathe, keep breathing. Don't lose your nerve" -

Page 275: Another Note About Rape and Victim Blaming

/ Wednesday, July 9, 2014 /
It was my first visit to that building when law should punish the guilty ones and defend those who have been wronged. It was my first attempt to attend a court, to support a person I’ve never met but breaks my heart with her story. She’s a gang rape victim (read the full story here). And just like any victims, she wants justice. Although it doesn’t take a genius to see that justice can’t cure the wounds that they felt because of the rape. The pains linger; in their bodies, their mind, and their souls.

I don’t know about other countries (still doing some research), but in my country, Indonesia, the system is just..bad. Not only that we still use old law with maximum of (only) seven years' criminal imprisonment for perpetrators (if you ask me, I think we should consider to cut their dicks off), but the process to bring the case to the court is long and exhausting and torturing the victim.

I can’t imagine how it feels to be in the same room with people; who have violated your rights, who tainted your body – your sacred place, who ruined your future and dreams, who will be the master of your nightmare. I can’t imagine how it feels to see a place where all bad memories and pains collide when someone forced you and used your body to please the evil urge inside their filthy minds.

And victim blaming! Ah! That fucking monster that still punishes all victims and survivor who have broken already! I wrote about victim blaming two years ago. It’s obnoxious how society could prolong a stupid culture like that. Blame the outfit, blame the situation, blame the victim, but never the system, and just ignore the importance of educate people to punish the perpetrators.

Gah! Wish I could do something other than writing this.
I’m sad. And jaded.

image courtesy: http://rhrealitycheck.org/article/2012/10/26/as-victim-and-survivor-rape-i-am-appalled-and-disgusted/



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